A responsibility to the citizens of Nevada
What is important for any party coming before the Nevada Supreme Court, is the opportunity to be heard by a neutral, informed group of justices who harbor no preconceived notions or any personal bias or prejudice toward a litigant or their issues.
The justices' job is to make decisions based upon the law as established by the Constitution, Statutes and Nevada case law. I have always respected my role in this regard. Although a litigant may not prevail in a particular matter, I want them to walk away knowing I have decided their case fully prepared, with an open mind and pursuant to the applicable law.
For Justice Parraguirre, it's never been about personal agendas. It's about upholding the law.
A Justice for all of Nevada

You didn’t elect me to determine results that suited my personal preferences, or my comfort level, you elected me to foster stability and predictability in our case law in Nevada. A result-oriented court does violence to the core principles of precedent and stability, and for the past 17 years, my colleagues and I have been keenly aware of that danger.
I take my responsibilities to the citizens of Nevada very seriously and trust that you have continued to elect me based upon these principles.
I look forward to seeing many of you on the campaign trail throughout the state, and look forward to your continued support.
- Ron Parraguirre
- Judge since 1991
- Appointed to the District Court bench by Gov. Kenny Guinn
- Elected to the Nevada Supreme Court in 2004
- Graduate of the University of San Diego Law School
- Worked for U.S. Senator Paul Laxalt as counsel to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Criminal Law
Chief Justice Ron D. Parraguirre is a fourth-generation Nevadan and a second-generation judge. His family emigrated from the Basque country to western Nevada in the 1870’s to ranch the country south of Carson City. The Chief’s father, Paul, and his two uncles all graduated from the University of Denver School of Law. Paul Parraguirre eventually became a Fifth Judicial District Court Judge.
Chief Justice Parraguirre graduated from the University of San Diego School of Law. After law school, he went to work in Washington, D.C. for then U.S. Senator Paul Laxalt and soon became counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee, subcommittee on criminal law. Chief Justice Parraguirre returned to Nevada two years later to join his father in private practice. He became managing partner and took over the practice when Paul Parraguirre was appointed to the District Court bench. Chief Justice Parraguirre’s judicial career began in 1991 when he won a seat on the Las Vegas Municipal Court. He was reelected twice and served until Governor Kenny Guinn appointed him in 1999 to a seat on the Eighth Judicial District Court. Throughout his tenure on the bench, Chief Justice Parraguirre has received, and maintained, some of the highest ratings in judicial performance evaluations.
Prior to his election to the high court, Chief Justice Parraguirre was the presiding Civil Judge in the Eighth Judicial District Court. During 2004, he served as President of the Nevada District Judges Association. Since his election to the Supreme Court, he served as Supreme Court Liaison to the Article 6 Commission, chairs on the Judicial Council of the State of Nevada, is currently in charge of the Senior Judge program, as well as the Supreme Court Settlement Conference program, and chairs the Commission to Study the Rules and Statutes relating to Judicial Discipline and update the Nevada Code of Judicial Conduct. He also serves on the Court’s recently formed Commission to Study the Adjudication of Water Law Cases. He additionally chairs the Supreme Court Executive Committee and the Judicial Selection Commission.
Chief Justice Parraguirre won his seat on the Nevada Supreme Court in 2004. His current term ends in 2023. Chief Justice Parraguirre serves on the Board of Trustees for the Reno Rodeo Foundation and the Advisory Board for the Center for Basque Studies.